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Social Services Q&A

Q:   What is the difference between a Mandated Reporter and a Designated Reporter on the Suspected Child Abuse referral? 
A:  All Burke County Public School employees are Mandated Reporters. However, each school or department has a Designated Reporter who reports the referral to the Department of Family & Children Services.  
Q:   Should all suspected child abuse be reported to the school counselor?

A:   Yes.

Q:   When the school nurse contacts a parent/guardian about a student's illness and there is no response, does that constitute a School Social Worker Referral?

A:   Yes.

Q:   If parents/guardians fail to provide their children with prescription glasses, does that constitute a School Social Worker Referral?

A:  Yes, it does constitute a referral if they have the necessary resources to provide the glasses but fail to provide them. However, if the  resources are limited, we will assist the family.

Q:   How should a teacher address a student's hygiene issues?

A:   If the student's hygiene (clothing or body odor) is a continuous problem, please make a School Social Worker Referral.

Q:   Will the teachers be notified of the outcome of a School Social Worker referral?

A:   School protocol mandates that the outcome be reported to the school counselor.  However, if you would like to receive a response via e-mail, complete your full name on the referral form adjacent to item number three.

Q:    When does the teacher make a School Social Worker Referral for excessive absences?

A:    When a student accumulates six unexcused absences, the counselor should refer the matter to the School Social Worker. However, if a student is absent for three or more consecutive unexcused days, the counselor can refer the matter to the School Social Worker. If the parent/guardian has submitted appropriate written documentation for the absences, a referral is not necessary.
Q:    When should a School Social Worker Referral be sent to the Social Work Department?
A:    When ALL interventions have been exhausted by the school to alleviate the problem. 
Q:   If a student is failing and the parent refuses to sign the Parental
Consent for Evaluation for Special Education Services, is this considered child abuse?

A:   No.

Q:    How does the School Department of Social Services assist families who have social barriers and/or financial hardships?

A:   The Department assists and/or refers the family to community agencies.

Q:   Is it negligence if the student refuses to wear prescription glasses?

A:   No.

Q:   How should I help a student who has signs of depression?

A:   Refer the student to the school counselor.

Q:  How should we handle students who are habitually tardy?

A: Follow the School Attendance Protocol.

Q:  What is the procedure for Hospital/Homebound Services?

A:   Direct all questions to the Social Work Department at the Central Office.