Purpose of Title I:
To help low-achieving students meet the state's challenging academic content and performance standards. The Title I program offers a variety of services which may include: additional teachers and support staff, extra time for instruction, a variety of teaching methods and materials, after-school programs, up-to-date technology or students and instruction, smaller classes and additional training for staff.
School-wide Requirements:
- Comprehensive needs assessment: The school must identify areas of greatest need.
- School-wide reform strategies to include those that:
- Strengthen the core academic program.
- Increase the amount and quality of learning time.
- Strategies for meeting needs of underserved populations.
- Address needs of all, but particularly low-achieving.
- Instruction by "highly qualified" teachers
- Professional Learning for teachers
- Parent Involvement Strategies
Parents Right-To-Know….
- to know the professional qualifications of their child's teacher(s) including the degrees and certifications held, and whether the teacher is certified in their respective area of instruction.
- to know the school improvement status of the school.
- to know the level of achievement of their child in each area of the state assessment.
- to know if their child has been assigned, or has been taught for at least four consecutive weeks,
- by a teacher who does not meet the highly qualified definition.
- to be involved in the planning and implementation of the parent involvement program in their school.
Annual Steps to Revising Title I School-Wide Plans, Parent Involvement and Student Compacts.
1. A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school which addresses all academic areas and other factors that may affect achievement.
2. Schoolwide reform strategies that are scientifically researched based and
- Provide opportunities for all children in the school to meet or exceed Georgia's proficient and advanced levels of student performance.
- Are based upon effective means of raising student achievement.
- Use effective instructional methods that increase the quality and amount of learning time.
- Address the needs of all children, particularly targeted populations, and address how the school will determine if such needs have been met and are consistent with improvement plans approved under
- Educate America Act.
3. Instruction by highly qualified professional staff.
Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers to high-needs schools.
4. Professional development for staff to enable all children in the school to meet performance standards.
5. Strategies to increase parental involvement.
6. Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs.
7. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of assessment to provide information on, and to improve, the performance of individual students and the overall instructional program.
8. Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs.
- List of State and local educational agency programs and other federal programs that will be included.
- Description of how resources from Title I and other sources will be used.
- Plan developed in coordination with other programs, including those under the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994, the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act, and National and Community Service Act of 1990.
9. Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering standards shall be provided with effective, timely assistance, which shall include:
- Measures to ensure that students' difficulties are identified on a timely basis.
- Periodic training for teachers in the identification of difficulties and appropriate assistance for identified difficulties.
- Teacher-parent conferences that detail what the school will do to help the student, what the parents can do to help the student, and additional assistance available to the student at the school or in the community.
- Description of how individual student assessment results and interpretation will be provided to parents.
- Provisions for the collection and disaggregation of data on the achievement and assessment results of students.
- Provisions to ensure that disaggregated assessment results for each category are valid and reliable.
- Provisions for public reporting of disaggregated data.
- Plan developed during a one year period, unless LEA, after considering the recommendation of its technical assistance providers, determines that less time is needed to develop and implement the schoolwide program.
- Plan developed with the involvement of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out the plan including teachers, principals, other school staff, and pupil service personnel, parents and students (if secondary).
- Plan available to the LEA, parents, and the public.
- Plan translated to the extent feasible, into any language that a significant percentage of the parents of participating students in the school speak as their primary language.
- Plan is subject to the school improvement provisions of Section 1116.
Principals are involved in all aspects of the Title I program. They are invited to meetings, provided guidelines and expectations and are requested to provide feedback on those as well due dates and other general procedures. Principals are directly responsible for the presentation, review, and revision of their school's policies and procedures as related to the school improvement plan, parent involvement plan and activities, and the parent compact. Samples of required information is provided to principals (i.e., parents right to know, PIRC, other information in tri-fold format); however, it is their choice to accept and utilize the information in the format provided or to revise the format to suit their school's needs.