Social Services » Hospital/Homebound Services

Hospital/Homebound Services

Hospital / Homebound services are provided upon receipt of a homebound referral form in which the medical certification of need is signed by a licensed physician and/or licensed psychiatrist who is attending the student. 
These are the following  procedures for obtaining homebound services:
  • Parent notifies the school that hospital/homebound services are needed.
  • School personnel instruct parent/guardian to contact the Social Services Department at the Central Office.


Q. Can a Teacher, Principal, Parent or Homebound Teacher authorize hospital/homebound services for a student?

 A.  No. Only the student's doctor can certify that his/her patient needs hospital/homebound services.

Q.  What is the first step in getting my student/child on homebound?
A.  Contact the Social Work Department at the Central Office (706-554-5101).


 Q. Can private school or home school students receive hospital/homebound services?


 A.  No. The student must be enrolled in the public school system in which he or she is requesting this service.

 Q.  What criteria are used to determine eligibility for hospital /homebound services?
A. Hospital/homebound services are provided only on the basis of medical necessity as certified by a licensed physician and / or licensed psychiatrist providing care for the student

Q.   How many days must a student be absent from school before homebound services can be provided?   
A. The student must be anticipated to be absent for a minimum of ten consecutive school days per year or the equivalent on a modified calendar or the student has a chronic health condition causing him or her to be absent for intermittent periods of time anticipated at a minimum of ten school days per year or equivalent on a modified calendar or five school days on a high school block schedule per year.

Q.   How long are homebound services provided?
A. As long as the doctor certifies that the services are needed.

Q.  Who is responsible for providing instruction for a student on homebound?
 A.The hospital/homebound teacher provides three hours of instruction weekly in the hospital or home setting on a schedule worked out between the teacher and the parent/guardian.

Q.  Does the hospital/homebound teacher evaluate and grade the student's academic performance while on homebound?    
A. No.  While on homebound, the student remains on roll in all of his/her classes. Lessons and other teaching materials are provided to the hospital/homebound teacher by the student's regular teachers. Test, quizzes and exams are administered by the homebound teacher but are graded by the regular teachers.   

Q.  Does the parent/guardian need to be present during home visits?
A. Yes. If the parent/guardian is not present or leaves during the visit, the homebound teacher is required to cancel or discontinue the visit.